sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Preparing the Ground

Hey there fellow readers,

There is something that Mexicans like to refer as the vitamin T. This includes any sort of food which begins with the letter T like Tacos, tostadas, tortas, tortillas, tamales. All of these are not nutritious at all, some worse than others. Tortas for example may contain anything from breaded beef meet and melted cheese, tamales can have all sorts of meat with spicy chicken and mole. Tostadas are your regular circular chips with chicken, cream, avocado and lettuce. And of course, Tacos are a wide range of varieties and meats. From tongue, pork, stake, chicken, potato, prickly pear, mushrooms, etc.

Vitamin T is what keeps Mexicans going. We can't live without them and if we are not home, the food is the one thing we miss the most. And more than the food itself, the flavor, the seasoning and the taste on the palate. As it was once said by someone that if Americans ever invaded Mexico they would all get sick from the food and we would win the war. I am not entirely sure about this statement but in terms of food, possibly.

The important thing is to keep eating and in the following weeks I will be just doing that while I introduce the different mixes of tacos, the way to hold a taco, different sauces, why are they the midnight saver, and why they are so addictive.

From the mini business man who carries one "canasta" full of tacos to the highly elegant establishments across the city.

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