sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Collecting info

Hey there,
Haven't written in a few days, trying to do some work before the taco project begins. I also work as a translator but that's beside the point. Today I saw this photo you might like, the translation on the sticker says: "If God is in me, I hope he likes Tacos". So yeah, I think the same thing. I think he does cause I always feel really good and angelical after having some. That's the way it is. You feel good, then God feels it. Not that I believe in God but after all we are in a heavily populated Catholic and Christian region of the globe.
Anyway, tacos will begin soon, promise. Let me just get that paycheck.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hilarious. Where in the city?

Morrison dijo...

Hey Mary,
Thank you for your first taco comment. All of this is taking place in Mexico City.